Epoxy flooring Services in Bhubaneswar, 3D epoxy flooring in Bhubaneswar, epoxy flooring, epoxy floor paint
: Services : Bhubaneswar
Ad Details
Ad ID: 1068
Added: November 14, 2021
Condition: Brand New
Location: India
State: Odisha
City: Bhubaneswar
Phone: 7788055666
Views: 32
Epoxy Coating is typically used in dry process areas where the floor is subjected to foot, trolley, pallet truck and rubber wheeled forklift traffic. Typical uses include laboratories, clean rooms, warehouses and storage areas in pharmaceutical, electronic, aerospace, automobile and printing plants.
7788 0 55 666
Satyanagar, Near Big Bazaar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
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